"It has been revealed that a "sleight of hand" was used in the computer program that rated 2005 as "THE WARMEST YEAR ON RECORD." Skeptical climate researchers have discovered extensive manipulation of the data within the U.S. Government's two primary climate centers: the National Climate Data Center (NCDC) in Asheville, North Carolina and the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) at Columbia University in New York City. These centers are being accused of creating a strong bias toward warmer temperatures through a system that dramatically trimmed the number and cherry-picked the locations of weather observation stations they use to produce the data set on which temperature record reports are based. The two investigators say the system has been distorted in other ways as well. They have documented their findings in great detail in a scientific report that has been posted online. These findings are presented as a part of my television special report "Global Warming: The Other Side" telecast Thursday night, January 14th at 9 PM here on KUSI TV."
This comes from KUSI NEWS in San Diego, and to use one of the Presidents favorite lines "Let's be clear here", that this isn't definitive evidence that these two organizations have done anything wrong, though I'd be willing to bet my carbon footprint against Al Gore's that the data was trimmed and tweaked to fit some agenda. Keep in mind that NASA is and has always been a government funded organization so to find the agenda behind its data doesn't on its surface seem to difficult. The other one is in the same boat. So now we find the government is lying to us yet again. I don't know, should we be watching our government a little closer? Are they really spending our tax dollars wisely? I have gotten so jaded lately about the government that I can't even bring myself to watch the news for fear I'll see another trillion dollar bill being passed in the congress, or some organization that isn't supposed to set law trying to do that with rules like the EPA. The EPA is moving forward on making rules that businesses have to abide by on their carbon emissions, which will in effect place a cap-and-trade scheme on American businesses without there ever being a law passed.
I've heard it with the health care bill, I'm hearing it from the EPA and soon every government entity will be putting its rules into place. There have been Senators who have said that the constitutionality of forcing the American people to purchase health care, is a section that will have to go before the court system but that they are sure it will be upheld. We have Kentucky (
Kentucky is gonna want to kick my ass over this, it's really Nebraska) getting a payoff to vote for the bill, we have Louisiana getting a payoff to vote for the bill and now we have unions getting a deal so they will support the bill.
Is this what the EPA will be doing with the green house gas emissions rules they are perusing. Pass them and force someone to spend their hard earned profits to hire attorneys to take the EPA to court to make sure if they do or don't have the authority to pass and enforce those rules. The EPA in light of the failing Climate Change agenda is about to up the ante, can your wallet and mine take this?