Showing posts with label government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label government. Show all posts

Sunday, November 8, 2009

14,000 People A Day Lose their Health Care in the month of Obember

A quote from President Obama, used to rally people behind health care reform, so he can make universal health care his top priority. Yes this will stop people from losing health care but it will cost additional jobs. Employers will be slow to rehire people if you add the burden of taxes etc. to pay for universal health care.

Friday, November 6, 2009

An original thought…not

I've spent some time watching television today though admittedly not too much because of the Ft. Hood tragedy. While my heart goes out to the families of the victims and the families of the wounded soldiers there are other things happening here. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but wouldn't it be tragic if these shootings were an attempt to get our eyes off the balls being floated around in congress…Health Care, Cap and Trade, Global Warming (I know, Cap and Trade and Global Warming are sort of one and the same)…anyway the thought isn't the eye on the ball issue so lets move on.

Off to the races

Well we now have a 1990 page bill on the floor of the House of Representatives to create a law that basically says all Americans will have health care, not that all Americans will have the right to health care, not that we will help you get health care but that you WILL have health care or we will fine you…well how's that for a free country? This change thing working for you? If you don't wish to participate too damn bad, "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one". Do you know how I feel about that? Betcha don't…

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Aaagggghhhh…more rambling…

I've been reading the Daily Kos all evening, I have a twitch in my right eye, I'm right handed, I kick with my right foot, I vote right wing (though not quite as far right as some might think) and I wipe from the right side (Oh, stop it, I'm talking about my mouth) but the fact remains that I'm conservative and I can get my fill of health care, cap and trade, give everyone everything they want mentality of liberals very quickly. I did discover a thing or two about the left though, maybe I should have know it all along, but the left really don't mind capitalism and a free market economy…

Thursday, October 29, 2009

An idea for health care…

1990 pages of something that we can never read and understand within 72 hours, even if they post the bill online for 72 hours before voting on it.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Responses from my Representatives…wow!

I sent an email to Representative Titus telling her what I think about her stand on health care and cap and trade, below you will find what she sent back…well the bullet points of what she is 'trying' to do anyway. Classic political doublespeak, read it for yourself and see if it addresses her position on health care or cap and trade. After that you will find the response I sent back to her…life is good when you don't have to worry about your elected officials changing…

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Global Warming is going to Kill us…or is it?

Henrik Svensmark, Professor, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen

"In fact global warming has stopped and a cooling is beginning. No climate model has predicted a cooling of the Earth – quite the contrary. And this means that the projections of future climate are unreliable," writes Henrik Svensmark.

Monday, October 26, 2009

More on Health Care

I recently wrote the following to both Representative Titus and Senator Reid:
I am writing once again because you and other members of congress have decided you know what is best for all Americans in reference to Health Care and the cost of providing it. You do not speak for me, nor do you speak for the majority of Americans (according to the polls). I am asking that you stop this reckless path you are on and make sure the reform to health care we pass is actually doable.

This Health Care bill will expand an already bloated Federal Government and cannot possibly cover the people you are intending to cover. Our deficit will increase without the possibility of paying it off and our country's AAA rating in the world monetary markets will fall.

The process you have embarked on will turn our country into a two bit player in the world (if we can even retain that much clout). I will continue to fight this health care bill as I will continue to fight the Cap and Trade (tax) bill. You and your colleagues in congress are taking my children's future and it doesn't belong to you to take.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Net Neutrality ???
Click on the link and read the bill…I'm no lawyer but I'll bet lawyers wrote this and will welcome the change it may have in the internet here in the US. I'm against this bill and think anyone that reads it should also be…maybe even contact your representative and let them know how you feel about it too. And if you are confused like I was, read the part in the very front about amending the Communications Act of 1934 and then just skip to the last paragraph, read that and then think who will be writing the regulations… ladies and gentlemen, our internet will be changing soon if this passes.

Another one on Human Caused Global Warming…Climate Change

I get a huge charge (not a happy charge) out of the change from Global Warming to Climate Change. When the temperatures didn't hold up to the predictions the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) decided that in order to continue promoting taxation to 'share the wealth' they would have to change the lie from Global Warming to Climate Change. I'm reading an e-book that I downloaded for free from Climate Depot. I don't know the science of this problem or even if it is a problem but I do know politicians and look at some of the quotes from the book…

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rum and Pepsi

Well my thumb is healing (well it least it doesn’t hurt quite so bad) and it’s Saturday. Sitting back enjoying a Rum and Pepsi that the government is looking at for more tax revenue because I’ve made bad lifestyle choices. I drink Rum and Pepsi almost exclusively because I can’t drink beer.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Best Chance for a Victory in 2010

In the mid-term elections the conservative people in this country have a chance to advance more change. Not the type of change President Obama has offered and ‘hoped’ to force down our throats but the type that this country was founded on.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Health Care and related crap

I know I'm about to get politically incorrect here

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Global Warming

Global Warming has been changed by the powers that be...

Search Thoughts for Today