Monday, October 26, 2009

More on Health Care

I recently wrote the following to both Representative Titus and Senator Reid:
I am writing once again because you and other members of congress have decided you know what is best for all Americans in reference to Health Care and the cost of providing it. You do not speak for me, nor do you speak for the majority of Americans (according to the polls). I am asking that you stop this reckless path you are on and make sure the reform to health care we pass is actually doable.

This Health Care bill will expand an already bloated Federal Government and cannot possibly cover the people you are intending to cover. Our deficit will increase without the possibility of paying it off and our country's AAA rating in the world monetary markets will fall.

The process you have embarked on will turn our country into a two bit player in the world (if we can even retain that much clout). I will continue to fight this health care bill as I will continue to fight the Cap and Trade (tax) bill. You and your colleagues in congress are taking my children's future and it doesn't belong to you to take.

While I will admit I don't know much about government financing I do know that I can't spend what I don't have and our government is doing exactly that…spending what we don't have. I was told by someone I've spent a lot of time with that the government can just print all the money they need to cover all of these things and they will never run out of money. Well I guess that is right, they won't run out of money until they kill the last tree to produce the paper they are printed on. If they do that however, I hope they do it the same way the Germans did it when Hitler's plans started falling apart…they at least left one side of their currency blank so you could write a personal IOU on the back to make the currency worth something.

If we continue down this path, with every new dollar they print it will be worth a fraction of a penny less that the last one they printed. As anyone can see, it wouldn't take too long for the dollar to be worthless. So yes they can print as many as they want to but an old attage comes to mind here…'son your writin checks your ass can't cover'. Soon the only way we can pay off the debt is to be forced to work for the government and the government gets to decide what is best for you. You know, things like, where to live, what food you can eat, what drink you can drink, what doctor you can see. The only way to break that cycle is revolution or death.

This health care issue isn't an issue of right or wrong, left or right, good or bad, moral or amoral. It is an issue of affordability and we as a people cannot afford it. Yes it would be easier to go along, take what the government gives you and make the best of your life, but Americans have never done the easy thing. A line comes to mind here, "We choose to go to the moon, not because it's easy, but because its hard". If we as a nation decide that it's time to provide health care to everyone then we as a nation should decide to make sure everyone that gets a government dole has to work their ass off for it. No more sitting on the couch eating potato chips and drawing a government check, there are public service jobs that can be done to earn that check you are getting.

Nope I'm not advocating forced labor but if you draw taxpayer money then the taxpayer should have every right to expect some payment in return. Clean up the roads, paint over or sand blast graffiti, mow the park lawns…it doesn't matter.



  1. Your blog is really interesting.I'm waiting for your new post.
    Have a nice day.

  2. Good morning, Randy
    I really like this one. I believe the whole point of this debaucle is to bring everyone under total government control. I envision whole subdivisions of dull lifeless unpainted concrete block apartment "boxes" that those alive will be herded into. There probably won't be automobiles, just an unreliable train, bus system run by the gov. And that for use during certain hours. Since there will be a curfew, folks won't have freedom to come and go as accustomed. Everyone will have some sort of gov subsidy and live a subsistance lifestyle. Watching gov TV and seeing endless speeches by Obama or whoever the "Obama" of the moment may be. This will be manditory of course so that the populace can be brainwashed and rendered totally submissive until all are subhuman!

  3. Thanks for the visit dyanna, I visited your site at and was very impressed with your photography...beautiful stuff.


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