Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Best Chance for a Victory in 2010

In the mid-term elections the conservative people in this country have a chance to advance more change. Not the type of change President Obama has offered and ‘hoped’ to force down our throats but the type that this country was founded on.

This country was founded with the belief in a small federal government and powerful local government; we have been asleep at our watch. We as a nation have been prosperous; the richest in the world but that distinction is rapidly changing with China having faster growing wealth than we have. Our wealth is on the decline as a nation and the only way to turn that around is to get people elected that will put small business first, make it easy for small business to succeed in our country and our innovators will come out of the wood work.

Remember all those hair brained ideas we all used to laugh at? Those were the people that make this country great, you come up with an idea that people think they can’t live without and ‘pop’ instant millionaire. Instant millionaires create jobs to sell their products to all of us that can’t live without our ‘pet rocks’. Do you have any idea how many jobs were created to distribute ‘pet rocks’ when that salesman got it started? Well honestly I don’t ether but they were all over the country so there had to be a couple…didn’t have the internet then.

I’m just saying we will lose most of that if we continue down this path. We need to stop hanging our companies up with eco nooses based on distorted science. We need to start believing that we have a right to be on this planet too. The spotted owl crowd doesn’t seem to think so, but I say let’s set aside large wildlife areas to preserve the wildlife. We also have some old growth forests I’d like to see preserved but if we need to poke a hole in the ground to pump out the oil from underneath them then poke the damn hole. Alaska is living proof that we can drill and not disturb much of the land and if the drilling is to take place on wildlife areas then more guidelines could be imposed. Alaska’s pipelines run through large tracks of land and the animals love it. It has some of the only warmth within thousands of miles in the winter time and some of the animals have found a place that life is a little easier (heck they keep that up and maybe they will be voting their own gifts from the government coffers).

Now the meat of how we can take back the congress and start putting this country right (it is after all a center-right nation). We have to get down and dirty with the Acorn workers. I have started organizing my local precinct so we can find and get conservative candidates to run for local offices as well as our national offices. The problem we have here is that only Republicans and Democrats can vote in the primaries and that is where we get our conservative talent. If we sit on our collective butts and let other people do it for us then the Republican Party will do it TO us and stick ‘Liberal lites’ in the positions and we as conservatives will again be without anyone to vote for.

I’m as jaded as the next conservative but if I pull out of the party and can’t vote in the primary then even if there is a good conservative running I can’t vote for him/her and their chances are diminished and so are ours.

I will be walking the precinct this year four or five times talking to conservatives of all parties and trying to make sure they vote (I’ll try to get the liberals to stay home). But our last best hope is the mid-term elections. If we lose seats in congress again, like we did in 2008, then you and I will have to believe that there has been a mandate to move to socialism. If you have seen what is happening to our country and are willing to stick with the current administration or are willing to stick with the third party at the risk of giving the liberals a mandate to continue down this path then we had better move to ‘Jonestown’ and take our own Kool-Aid.


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