Monday, February 22, 2010

Wow! A Tea Party Candidate!

Someone I can really believe in "Jon Ashjian" but wait, maybe I should look up something about him first… well here goes or here . Wow! These people think there might be something funny going on here. Well I'm still looking… , but wait is he from Iowa or Nevada… Oh hell I don't know and can't seem to find out. What it does look like to me is that he is a 'Slick Willie'. He has at least ten LLC's which says to me he is out to make a buck and couldn't be a viable candidate if he wanted to.

Bada-Bling, LLC
W.I.T. Bro, LLC AKA AA Paving.
24/Construction, LLC
Two Amigos, LLC
Cajun Express, LLC
Squidman, LLC
The 1720, LLC
TNT Energy Products, LLC
RNC Properties, LLC

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What exactly is he campaigning for?

I am so tired ot seeing the president's face on every channel I have on my television I could just spit.  What the hell is he doing campaigning instead of governing? 

Search Thoughts for Today