Friday, November 27, 2009
Checking my thoughts
I wrote and sent the following email in September, I re-read it and thought about what it said, I feel the same way now that I did then, though in some spots there is still a little glimmer of hope.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Careful Blog postings…
I try to be careful with almost everything I do, and while I'm not completely successful, I have managed to stay alive for the better part of a half century. I started a posting about my daughters driving skills, it's still sitting there started and I'm thinking it's better left that way…started.
Monday, November 23, 2009
The Time is Right
Oprah is shutting down her show…reported on the 20th I think (I don't watch her show so don't know for sure). Anyway she says she just knows in her bones, and in her soul that it's the right time. Well maybe there are other reasons…
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Has E-mail lost its sting?
I got a list of Senator's names, addresses, and represented states last night with every intention of using them to voice my opinion to every Senator in our country and I'm still going to do that however there is a problem with it. This problem doesn't stem from me, nor does it stem from the source of the list. This problem stems from the media. We as a nation know who Daniel Akaka (D-HI) is, we know who Olympia Snowe (R-ME) is, or John Barrasso (R-WY) is and why is that?
Nevada Streaming Video Debate
Last evening, 11-21-2009, starting at about 4 in the afternoon, 6 Republican candidates for the Senate seat now held by Harry Reid 'debated' the issues. I really think there were really only a few moments of actual debate in the entire evening but there were things in the evening that made watching and participating worthwhile. Almost all candidates have signed or say they will sign, the no new taxes pledge, though being politicians, I am distrustful of anything they say.
A 'Rare' Saturday session
Well as we have all seen by now, the healthcare bill gets to go to the floor of the Senate for a full debate. The bill is over two thousand pages long and probably just a cut and paste of the House bill with additional confusing crap added. This bill was passed onto the floor in a reportedly 'rare' Saturday session…wait isn't that what the house did, 'a rare Saturday session'. Well why was a 'rare' Saturday session needed? Why was an 8 pm Saturday evening vote needed? Why couldn't it be brought to a vote on Monday during regular session? I know and I bet you do to if you think about it…
Friday, November 20, 2009
Why are we even worried about congress passing cap and trade?
Working my way through the maze of things that are costing our country its sovereignty I ran across this little tidbit , and I thought all we had to do was to stop this crap in congress. I don't know if the EPA will act on cap and trade but if they do, according to this article it will generate a nice little boost in revenue for the government without the need to pass another law… Guess who pays that little revenue stream for the government…
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Gay marriage straight marriage, who really gives a shit?
I've got some gay friends and I've got some straight friends and nether are better friends than the other and isn't that what really counts? Anyway we have this great debate going on in this country about whether or not the government should decide whether or not gay marriage should be sanctioned or a vote of the people should be the deciding factor…my take on the problem…
Why I haven’t been posting
I have a friend that is retiring (too bad it isn't me) and it has caused me to think about my plans for retirement. Well hell you really can't think about your plans without doing a little research. As you get closer and closer to retirement you need to make sure the amount of money you have put away will take care of you and your wife, or in my case me and my EX-wife, and still leave you enough to enjoy the remaining good years you have. Now I've got a few problems with retirement, not including the government, which I have to reconcile. First how do I get my retirement home paid off so some bank don't hold a piece of paper that allows them to tell me I have to leave. Second will I have enough money to pay any medical bills I may encounter? Third will I have enough money to eat (this one isn't cheap)? Fourth can I buy a boat that will be big enough to do the things I plan to do? Fifth, do I trade in my motorcycle on a new one or just have the old one overhauled and painted? Sixth, will I be able to buy that airplane I'd love to buy?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Bittersweet 17 and 234
My daughter's birthday was yesterday (the 10th), the same day of the US Marines 'birth' (Nov. 10th, 1775), and I didn't know it until the 9th. Yes I knew it was my daughter's birthday, I just didn't know it was the Marine Corps birthday. Every day I learn something about this great nation that I didn't know the day before, it is so humbling that I can't even put it into words, but I will say if you desire to learn something about the sacrifice made by our military in the name of freedom, Veteran's Day is the day to look for it.
The Marines celebrated in their own way wherever they were. Some got stupid drunk, some marched in parades, some sat at home, some lay dying of old age, some stood a post for Marine 1 and some simply had a fleeting thought while taking the fight to our enemies…
I wasn't a Marine but I'll never forget their birthday again…Semper Fi
Sunday, November 8, 2009
14,000 People A Day Lose their Health Care in the month of Obember
A quote from President Obama, used to rally people behind health care reform, so he can make universal health care his top priority. Yes this will stop people from losing health care but it will cost additional jobs. Employers will be slow to rehire people if you add the burden of taxes etc. to pay for universal health care.
Friday, November 6, 2009
An original thought…not
I've spent some time watching television today though admittedly not too much because of the Ft. Hood tragedy. While my heart goes out to the families of the victims and the families of the wounded soldiers there are other things happening here. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but wouldn't it be tragic if these shootings were an attempt to get our eyes off the balls being floated around in congress…Health Care, Cap and Trade, Global Warming (I know, Cap and Trade and Global Warming are sort of one and the same)…anyway the thought isn't the eye on the ball issue so lets move on.
Off to the races
Well we now have a 1990 page bill on the floor of the House of Representatives to create a law that basically says all Americans will have health care, not that all Americans will have the right to health care, not that we will help you get health care but that you WILL have health care or we will fine you…well how's that for a free country? This change thing working for you? If you don't wish to participate too damn bad, "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one". Do you know how I feel about that? Betcha don't…
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Aaagggghhhh…more rambling…
I've been reading the Daily Kos all evening, I have a twitch in my right eye, I'm right handed, I kick with my right foot, I vote right wing (though not quite as far right as some might think) and I wipe from the right side (Oh, stop it, I'm talking about my mouth) but the fact remains that I'm conservative and I can get my fill of health care, cap and trade, give everyone everything they want mentality of liberals very quickly. I did discover a thing or two about the left though, maybe I should have know it all along, but the left really don't mind capitalism and a free market economy…
Monday, November 2, 2009
I hate ferrets…well more like they hate me.
I really like animals, almost all kinds. There are a few that I will take exception to simply because I don't know any of them on a personal level, then there are a few that I take exception to primarily because I do know a member of the species. While I would be the first to say I don't like stereotyping we need to talk context here. My daughter has two ferrets and when I go in her room they attack me. If I don't have shoes on then they bite my toes, if I do have shoes on they try to climb up the inside of my pant leg and bite my leg. If I pick one up it will bite my hand and god forbid I ever try to kiss one or one gets loose in my bathroom.
I also don't like snakes. I guess it could be argued that snakes are not animals, they are reptiles, however don't let the Houston SPCA hear you talking like that. Nope, I've never got bitten by a snake but one did bite one of my boots. That was close enough, they don't like me, I don't like them. The best part of that equation is that I don't have to hide in a corner waiting for one to go by before I bite him, I can go out and hunt them down and bite them (well not literally).
I do like cows but that may be primarily because they are dumb and I like almost anyone that I can feel smarter than (there are way too few of that kind walking around). It may also be because I like the things milk brings. I'm not too big on milk but I like ice cream, coffee creamer, cheese, etc. I also am quite partial to red meat, I know, here we go with the non political correctness crap, I'm sorry there isn't a good way to say 'you are so dumb that I'm going to kill you and eat you' in a nice politically correct way.
I'm really not sure I'd like bears, from what I've seen on Nat Geo (new name for National Geographic) I'm betting I wouldn't get along with them too well. I'm a little confused about the Nat Geo thing too…is that the same thing as 'id lik 2 c u 2nite'? Oh well we all have to learn new things and if the lawyers in Washington DC have their way I may have to get an attorney to battle my cow's attorney to get permission to have a steak.
I'm damn sure I don't like badgers; I had one try to climb my leg in the dark one night. I think he only left because he didn't like the smell I emitted when I saw him. People say animals can smell fear, I bet they can and I'd bet it smells like shit, cause that's what I smelled like when I ran upon that badger.
I like deer, I like pigs, I like chicken's, I like rabbits, I like fish (again with the animal thing?)…hey wait there is a theme developing here…if I can eat them I like them and if they can eat me I don't…ok I'm good with that. God didn't give me thumbs just to press the space bar.