Thursday, December 3, 2009

Off to Copenhagen

Well our President is off to Copenhagen to promise our futures to the global community… Let's get real about global warming here. It just isn't happening like the big brains said it would. The sad part of that is that they knew it wouldn't happen the way they were telling it, even when they were telling it…

I've said it before and I'll say it again, don't tax me for putting CO2 into the atmosphere and then tax me again for power companies putting CO2 in the air, then again for foreign countries putting CO2 in the air, and then…hell just don't tax me any more, you people in Washington DC just don't know how to be fiscally responsible.

The President's plan is to commit to a 17% reduction in CO2 by 20xx and he plans to sign the treaty giving the UN authority over us in keeping with the treaty…well again I start cussing….no…Hell no…I could get worse but think I'll hold my fingers back, I could break the keyboard. Anyway cap-and-trade isn't the way to promote green jobs and energy, cap-and-trade penalizes you for your carbon emissions which you pass on to the consumers of your goods and if you are a consumer of goods you pay.

I am all for greening up our energy, our lives, our planet, because it's the right thing to do. The way to promote clean energy and green jobs is to give tax breaks for cleaning up your business. If I got tax breaks to offset the cost of development then sure, why not? Too much profit in staying with coal, oil, gas? Well pass a law (if you must) that says after 1 year if no advancement in green energy production is forthcoming then a small increase in taxes to the companies is in order with no increase allowed to consumers to offset it. If companies aren't willing to push green energy for paying less in taxes then (but only then) cut into their profits.

I don't worry about the planet because of fossil fuel burning, but I do worry about my breathing in of the other toxic substances that come from burning fossil fuel and solar and wind seem so much better (spelled cleaner). I also know for a fact that the large wind farms and solar farms are also causing weather pattern changes on a local level.

I have a friend that works on the huge solar array in Las Vegas and he tells me that since the time they reached the halfway point of installing the panels the reflection from the panels have caused a local up draft in the area. He said the winds in the area have gone from sometimes blowing to blowing all the time and at an almost constant 30 mph…hey I have an idea…let's put a field of solar panels up, create a 30 mph constant wind, put up a few rows of windmills to harness it…and repeat ad nauseam…


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