Sunday, November 8, 2009

14,000 People A Day Lose their Health Care in the month of Obember

A quote from President Obama, used to rally people behind health care reform, so he can make universal health care his top priority. Yes this will stop people from losing health care but it will cost additional jobs. Employers will be slow to rehire people if you add the burden of taxes etc. to pay for universal health care.
Job losses:
Sep 2008: -159,000
Oct 2008: -240,000
Nov 2008: -533,000
Dec 2008: -524,000
Jan 2009: -598,000
Feb 2009: -651,000
Mar 2009: -663,000
Apr 2009: -539,000
May 2009: -345,000
Jun 2009: -467,000
Jul 2009: -247,000
Aug 2009: -216,000

If you add up all the numbers of people who lost their jobs from Sept. 2008 through Aug. 2009 you will find an incredibly large number (5,182,000). If you then take that number and divide it by 12 (the number of months we are discussing here), you get another large number (431,000). This number may not be large in comparison with Federal budgetary numbers but in terms of people losing their jobs it's enormous. Now divide it again by the number of days in a month…oh which month…well let's make it a honorary month…say the month of … oh…I don't know…maybe the month of …Obember… in honor of the President.

To get the number of days in Obember we take the normal 365 days in a year (we could add a few days here to compensate for the 58 states in the union…nah the math gets too hard for me at that point) and divide them by 12. 365 divided by 12 = 30.416…rounded = 30 days in Obember. Now take the incredibly large number (5,182,000) divided by 12 to get the next large number (431,000, remember this is people losing their jobs per month). Now you divide that large number (431,000) by the number of days in Obember (30) and you wind up with the magic number of 14,000 jobs lost per day…oh wait we were talking about 14,000 people losing their health care per day…I wonder if these two numbers are connected?

Now of course we need to decide where President Obama's priorities are…is it really getting health care to the masses or is it getting more control over the lives of the average citizen. His priority is health care but what about the jobs that allow people to purchase health care?


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