Sunday, November 22, 2009

A 'Rare' Saturday session

Well as we have all seen by now, the healthcare bill gets to go to the floor of the Senate for a full debate. The bill is over two thousand pages long and probably just a cut and paste of the House bill with additional confusing crap added. This bill was passed onto the floor in a reportedly 'rare' Saturday session…wait isn't that what the house did, 'a rare Saturday session'. Well why was a 'rare' Saturday session needed? Why was an 8 pm Saturday evening vote needed? Why couldn't it be brought to a vote on Monday during regular session? I know and I bet you do to if you think about it…

The Saturday session was called for a number of reasons. Republican Senators could go home because they knew that if the Democrats didn't get 60 votes it wouldn't go to the floor no matter how they voted. The Democrats wanted a Saturday session because if any of the Republicans did go home there would be less heated debate on the floor on Saturday and persuasion of the moderate / conservative Democrats would be easier. And don't be fooled by this, Harry Reid knew if he let the Democratic Senators go home for the weekend they would be hearing from their more conservative constituents and thus would be harder to sway toward the vote.

Lastly Harry knew from experience that if you called for a Saturday session you didn't have to leave your offices open (after all it's not a normal work day), the voice mail boxes could fill up and there would be no staff members whispering in anyone's ear saying 'we are running 50 to 1 against passage on this vote. Now I'm not saying it would have been 50 to 1 against but if it were 1 to 1 then why a Saturday vote…why not let it rest over the weekend?  I know, if they let it rest over the weekend it would have to rest until after

I know, because I'm from Nevada, that Harry works tirelessly for his home state and that EVERYTHING he does is for the GOOD of the state, and he is only using his position of power in the Senate for the GOOD of the country as a whole…

Sorry had to take a few minutes off from this…got sick writing that last sentence…


Oh and BTW, now that the bill is on the floor of the Senate Harry can use another dirty trick to get it passed…the nuclear option…51 votes instead of 60.

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