Saturday, October 31, 2009

New ideas on old themes

This blog posting comes from a response I got in an email from someone I really love. The divide here is I'm a conservative and he is a ??? I suspect he calls himself a 'progressive' or maybe a 'liberal' but I'm not really sure, however we have some fundamental disagreements on our government.

First he is in the President's camp on health care, and like all progressive/liberal's he thinks the government is the answer to the problem, single payer system, or at least government to run a piece of it to ensure competition. He is a firm believer in Global Warming and believes we should pass cap and trade. I don't know for sure on this point but I also don't believe he thinks that the illegal alien population is causing any problems in this country.

I am suspecting that given the chance to work in the Obama White House he would advocate for the fairness doctrine or something even more strict which would be a death knoll for free speech. He is a believer in gun rights, he believes everyone should have the right to have a single shot rifle, he says I taught him that if you couldn't kill what you were shooting at with one shot you didn't need to kill it anyway. He doesn't believe however that anyone needs a semi-auto of any kind, except the military. I'm confused here, he claims to be a history buff but in looking at history I see hundreds of millions of people murdered by tyrannical governments and he believes the government should take care of your every need.

The problem is here he wants conservatives to bring new ideas to the table instead of the same old tired don't tax me more, don't spend my money on social programs, you represent me not the other way around, etc… Well I guess we should come to the table with new ideas, but shouldn't the liberals/progressives do the same? New tax on carbon emissions, new tax on sodas, new tax on cigarettes, new tax on alcohol…and all of this for the common good. Look around it has been tried for hundreds of years and failed. So what now, we made the Republic work for 200 years we can make a Socialist government work too? Do we think our government officials are so un-corruptible that a socialist government would work better than the Republic did? I just don't get it, how can we make a country work when half of its population depends on the other half for subsistence?

I'm sorry son, I've failed you

Can’t even forward a joke anymore

I got this joke sent to me and I put it on my forward list and sent it out. I titled it 'Time for a little laugh on us' and a response I got back surprised me…first the joke:

  1. Cows 
  2. The Constitution 
  3. The Ten Commandments 

COWS  Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Canada almost three years ago, right
to the stall where she slept in the state of Washington ?
And, they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around our country. Maybe we should give each of them a cow.. 
THE CONSTITUTION They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq .... Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it has worked for over 200 years, and we're not using it anymore. 
THE 10 COMMANDMENTS The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse or Congress is this, you cannot post 'Thou Shalt Not Steal' 'Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery' and 'Thou Shall Not Lie' in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians .... it creates a hostile work environment. 
Also, think about this ... if you don't want to
forward  this for fear of offending someone --YOU ARE PART OF THE  PROBLEM! It is time for America to speak up! 

And now the response:

Speak up on what? There isn't any call to action or anything constructive here at all. Looking at it from a strictly psychological word count every phrase has a negative emotional count, as well as no beneficial action.
It would be nice if the conservative movement could come with something additive rather than subtractive to the national discussion. Then supporting a discussion would actually be helpful, even beneficial; then bipartisanship would actually have useful purpose, seeking common ground on new ideas.

So now my question, should I have been more sensitive to the potential of the wording of the joke? I will admit to not cutting off the offending phrase "Also think about this…" but I really was just looking at the joke and not the forward crap which I tend to ignore.

Anyway I got bit on this one.



Friday, October 30, 2009

Today is my day for Illegal Immigration

I have been watching stories on illegal immigration for years now. I have always been a strong proponent of legal (limited) immigration and also a strong proponent of immigration enforcement. I support:
  • The ICE raids on companies suspected of employing illegal's
  • E-verify (not only on employment but social benefits as well)
  • Hefty fines on companies that hire illegal aliens
  • Border enforcement (all borders N, S, E,W)
  • Visa enforcement (overstaying visa's not permitted)
  • Limiting work visa's

Thursday, October 29, 2009

An idea for health care…

1990 pages of something that we can never read and understand within 72 hours, even if they post the bill online for 72 hours before voting on it.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Responses from my Representatives…wow!

I sent an email to Representative Titus telling her what I think about her stand on health care and cap and trade, below you will find what she sent back…well the bullet points of what she is 'trying' to do anyway. Classic political doublespeak, read it for yourself and see if it addresses her position on health care or cap and trade. After that you will find the response I sent back to her…life is good when you don't have to worry about your elected officials changing…

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Shirt stains ... or You can't fix stupid

As anyone who might have wasted their time reading the drivel I write here will know, I made an attempt, as half hearted as it was, to cut the tip of my thumb off (See entry "A little thumb in your salad?"). I wasn't completely successful until two days later when the skin became so sore I decided to, with as much precision as I could muster, take the flap of skin off. Well that worked well for me, I took my super sharp pocket knife, the one I should have been shaving with when I tried to cut the tip of my nose off, and started working on the small patch of skin that held the flap on. Well I couldn't do it on a single rum and Pepsi, the damned thing hurt, so I waited until I'd had two and was working on my third. Ok so intelligence isn't something my family was cursed with. Anyway to open a pocket knife that, as I mentioned above, is super sharp, to cut off a flap of skin from my already sore thumb was ...wait for rimes with thumb...

Anyway, needless to say its been over a week and the stupid thing still bleeds every time I try to button my shirt, zip up my coat, put on my gloves, etc. At least it doesn't hurt any more (well unless I jam it into something that doesn't move, which I'm finding I do with some regularity) and the bleeding is just little traces, that are actually big enough to be seen on my work shirts and be asked "Oh my god, do you know you are bleeding?".

I have been tempted to just call in sick and put it in traction for a week and let it heal but then my kids would laugh at me for being a wimp...


Global Warming is going to Kill us…or is it?

Henrik Svensmark, Professor, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen

"In fact global warming has stopped and a cooling is beginning. No climate model has predicted a cooling of the Earth – quite the contrary. And this means that the projections of future climate are unreliable," writes Henrik Svensmark.

Monday, October 26, 2009

More on Health Care

I recently wrote the following to both Representative Titus and Senator Reid:
I am writing once again because you and other members of congress have decided you know what is best for all Americans in reference to Health Care and the cost of providing it. You do not speak for me, nor do you speak for the majority of Americans (according to the polls). I am asking that you stop this reckless path you are on and make sure the reform to health care we pass is actually doable.

This Health Care bill will expand an already bloated Federal Government and cannot possibly cover the people you are intending to cover. Our deficit will increase without the possibility of paying it off and our country's AAA rating in the world monetary markets will fall.

The process you have embarked on will turn our country into a two bit player in the world (if we can even retain that much clout). I will continue to fight this health care bill as I will continue to fight the Cap and Trade (tax) bill. You and your colleagues in congress are taking my children's future and it doesn't belong to you to take.

Ban Ki-Moon says it best.

Now for the UN Secretary General of the United Nations...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Net Neutrality ???
Click on the link and read the bill…I'm no lawyer but I'll bet lawyers wrote this and will welcome the change it may have in the internet here in the US. I'm against this bill and think anyone that reads it should also be…maybe even contact your representative and let them know how you feel about it too. And if you are confused like I was, read the part in the very front about amending the Communications Act of 1934 and then just skip to the last paragraph, read that and then think who will be writing the regulations… ladies and gentlemen, our internet will be changing soon if this passes.

Words I Use

I'm finding that the words I use are going to ultimately define this blog site.  As I write a post I jump in at the end and list all (or most) of the words that are relivent to the post.  As the posts grow I am beginning to see patterns in the words like president, government, tax, are taking the lead, while words like global, warming are coming in second.  I'm sure illegal, immigration, reform, will start to bubble up on the surface like hot chocolate on a stove...stay tuned.

By the way, I didn't add the words I am talking about in this posting to push the numbers up...;-)

Another one on Human Caused Global Warming…Climate Change

I get a huge charge (not a happy charge) out of the change from Global Warming to Climate Change. When the temperatures didn't hold up to the predictions the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) decided that in order to continue promoting taxation to 'share the wealth' they would have to change the lie from Global Warming to Climate Change. I'm reading an e-book that I downloaded for free from Climate Depot. I don't know the science of this problem or even if it is a problem but I do know politicians and look at some of the quotes from the book…

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Administration to ORDER Pay Cuts

The Obama Administration has now decided to order the companies that received TARP money to cut the pay of their top 25 positions by 90%. I know this sounds good to everyone that knows they got TARP money and hell these guys are making millions in bonuses, so why not. Well here is the why not…

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

No time to protect American Jobs

I worry that America isn't the America I've loved all my life. We now have special interest groups that still promote hiring foreign workers over Americans in this country when we have nine plus million Americans out of work. We have government department heads that want to pull Border Patrol off of the southern border and move them to the Canadian border. I know that the Canadian border is probably more open than the Mexican border but the problem right now is on the southern border. We have a new regulatory czar that says animals should have the right to bring suit in court, damned if I know how you could know what an animal wants…wait it's not about animal rights, it's about another avenue of revenue for trial lawyers and another way to clog the courts with frivolous law suits.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Treaty in Copenhagen

When our President signs a treaty, that treaty circumvents our constitution and our laws. The President has said he would sign the Kyoto Protocol in December. I will be pouring over it for the next few days to see how much control the UN can gain over our sovereignty by the President signing the treaty.


Even the news takes the weekend off…

Trying to catch up on news I turned on Fox…go figure, I watch Fox…and they were airing a two day old Hannity. Have to go over to CNN to see if they have anything new.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rum and Pepsi

Well my thumb is healing (well it least it doesn’t hurt quite so bad) and it’s Saturday. Sitting back enjoying a Rum and Pepsi that the government is looking at for more tax revenue because I’ve made bad lifestyle choices. I drink Rum and Pepsi almost exclusively because I can’t drink beer.

Friday, October 16, 2009

A little thumb in your salad?

I sat yesterday morning and put a safety email together for work. In this safety email I talked about safety of everyday tools, I did this mostly because I cut the tip of my nose with my razor the day before, and thought it might be a good idea to show how complacent we get when we use tools that we are used to using. I included knives, scissors, pliers, screw drivers and razors in the commentary and a few of the people that read the email knew the inside joke with the razor. Now I find that just one day after the safety email I have to own up to complacency with another of the tools mentioned…knives.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Best Chance for a Victory in 2010

In the mid-term elections the conservative people in this country have a chance to advance more change. Not the type of change President Obama has offered and ‘hoped’ to force down our throats but the type that this country was founded on.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Shaving my nose off to spite my face

I decided today that with all that’s going on in this country I might as well cut my throat. I don’t see how I’ll ever be able to retire once the economy has hit the crapper.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fat? Want insentive to lose weight? Move to NC

I've been reading allot tonight and the most interesting topic I've come up with to write about is the N.C. proposal to tax fat people (penalize people that are too fat or smoke). I don’t yet know who plans to make the judgment as to who is too fat or where they plan to put the hidden cameras to catch me smoking but this, in my humble opinion, is wrong. Now I’ve found another blog site that has some of the same opinions as I have on the topic.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Obama Mortgage

Yes folks, this is a real program

Kevin Jennings. Safe Schools?

I'm going to weigh in on this. Kevin Jennings, an admittedly gay and a gay rights activist, appointed by the president to be the Safe School and Drug Free czar, says that if you haven't been trained in gay rights you are too big of a danger to our young children to be a teacher. He wrote the forward to the book Queering Elementary Education. Is he who we want to bring safety and a drug free program to our schools? Hell yes,

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Federal Communications Diversity Czar

Mark Lloyd, what a piece of socialist shit.

Health Care and related crap

I know I'm about to get politically incorrect here

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Global Warming

Global Warming has been changed by the powers that be...

Guns and Rights

Today I saw an article on the news about a woman getting killed by her husband

Judge Carter sets trial date for "Obama vs Birthers"

I woke up this morning to another email about Federal Judge Carter

Friday, October 9, 2009


I've watched news of our President being awarded the Nobel Peace prize and wondered why? I really haven't seen anything he has REALLY done to advance world peace. I guess though if we emasculate our armed forces to the point of not being able to defend ourselves or our allies one could see that as promoting world peace...

I've watched a new documentary called Not Evil Just Wrong and think it wasn't strong enough...this video claims that approximately 30 million young kids in developing countries died as a direct result of the ban on DDT. It isn't about DDT or saying to start using it but it is showing the links between bad or questionable science and the cost to human life. It is worth the watch if you can find someone like me that has a copy.

These are the news items of the day as an example of the things I'd like to hear your thoughts on. I have created this blog, with the gracious help of Google, for that purpose. I will retain the right to delete posts and ban anyone from posting on here if they threaten any of the posters. I hope anyone that posts anything here is doing it to learn new ideas or share old ones.

Randy (prp)

Search Thoughts for Today