Tuesday, October 20, 2009

No time to protect American Jobs

I worry that America isn't the America I've loved all my life. We now have special interest groups that still promote hiring foreign workers over Americans in this country when we have nine plus million Americans out of work. We have government department heads that want to pull Border Patrol off of the southern border and move them to the Canadian border. I know that the Canadian border is probably more open than the Mexican border but the problem right now is on the southern border. We have a new regulatory czar that says animals should have the right to bring suit in court, damned if I know how you could know what an animal wants…wait it's not about animal rights, it's about another avenue of revenue for trial lawyers and another way to clog the courts with frivolous law suits.

I've also heard we have 6000 lobbyists in Washington lobbying for or against health care reform (folks that is almost 6 for each representative we have in Washington). We have lost the government because we have 6000 people in Washington with cash in hand and Congressmen/women like little birds in the nest mouths open waiting to get fed. The congress don't want this issue resolved quickly, either for or against health care, until the money starts drying up. When that happens there will be some kind of bill passed, it may hurt the American people or it may actually help the American people (accidentally) but no one in congress will give a damn, they won't have to use it and they will have made much money from it. When health care runs its course then there will be Cap and Trade…in comes the lobbyists for big oil and big climate change…congress people get fatter off the dollars until that runs out…then its Immigration reform…on and on ad nauseam.
Now time to start on my rant about lobbyists J They should be shot…well may be a little harsh, maybe pliers and toenails…hey water boarding…we could test it and make sure we stop before we torture anyone…yeah water boarding. This way the lobbyists are put to a good use and we can train our CIA people where to draw the line. Of course someone has to set the standard and how do we initially determine where that standard is. Wow! Another brilliant idea, I trust our President (he would never do anything contrary to the good of the country), maybe he could volunteer to be water boarded so he could know where to tell the CIA to stop. This way we would never trample on Extremists Muslim Terrorists rights in this country…crap I'm going to have to stop this entry…I forgot Extremists Muslim Terrorists don't have rights in this country. I can't seem to get this angle worked out…maybe more tomorrow.

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