Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Global Warming is going to Kill us…or is it?

Henrik Svensmark, Professor, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen

"In fact global warming has stopped and a cooling is beginning. No climate model has predicted a cooling of the Earth – quite the contrary. And this means that the projections of future climate are unreliable," writes Henrik Svensmark.

Damn, what a headline. Wait aren't we about to pass cap and trade to limit the carbon footprint of all Americans to help slow man made global warming, crap wrong again. Maybe we can turn it around, maybe we can tax people who aren't putting out enough CO2 so we can increase global warming since the planet is cooling. This professor, Henrik Svensmark, from Copenhagen (of all places) is saying that the lack of recent sun spots may be an indication of global cooling http://wattsupwiththat.com/2009/09/10/svensmark-global-warming-stopped-and-a-cooling-is-beginning-enjoy-global-warming-while-it-lasts/ . There are other scientists who say the same thing like the Russian Scientist Habibullo Abdussamatov, Dr. Sc. (Head of Space research laboratory of the Pulkovo Observatory, Head of the Russian/Ukrainian joint project Astrometria) in this piece http://www.gao.spb.ru/english/astrometr/abduss_nkj_2009.pdf . While you will find scientist all over the world that are willing to speak out on whether or not global warming is happening you won't find many in congress that are willing to listen…they are too busy listening to Al "the debate is over" Gore.  If congress can get this tax passed we will be paying an even more egregious tax on carbon because it will require more gas to heat our homes as the earth cools. No one will want to reduce CO2 at that point because the more CO2 we have the better the plants like it and the cooler the earth is the more we will need plant life. Now however the tax is in place and instead of incentivizing carbon producing factories and power plants to reduce carbon emissions they will be giving them a tax break to not put carbon emission reducing technology in place…I'm getting so confused here but one thing I'm sure of, no matter what happens, the earth gets hot or the earth gets cool, the tax will NOT be repealed and we as taxpayers slip further into socialism.

I'm almost dumbstruck over this. The UN is pushing the global warming theme to promote the re-distribution of wealth and a one world governing body. The US government is doing everything it can to destabilize our economy so we will have to collapse the dollar and adopt a new currency (euro, amero, Chavezo or some such) and at the same time going forth on signing the 'Climate Change' treaty in Copenhagen in December. This country has lost its collective mind, we've elected 'Fidel-Chavez' as president and pushed the House of Representatives and Senate, full of socialist leaning left wing radicals. We are trying to pass legislation that would pay talaban fighters to stop fighting the US troops…great idea (if you won't send the resources to win the battle then send the resources to buy the enemy off) hell why don't we just send the money to the US troops and ask them to quit fighting and come home. They would be happy and the result will be the same.

I get so nuts over the crap being pulled in our country, the government claims we want to secure our borders and stop illegal immigration but won't hold employers accountable for hiring illegal's. They pull hundreds of southern border patrol officers off of the southern border to protect the northern border…wait southern border=problem, northern border=no problem…that has to tell you something doesn't it?

Health care is another one…how do we reduce the deficit, insure an additional 30 million people, add NO new doctors, keep the same level of existing health care and provide incentive to students to join the profession or companies to create new treatments. Damn there is such a disconnect here from reality. I make a dollar I spend a dollar…it works. If I make a dollar and spend a hundred dollars and don't have any way to pay it back, the bat boys will come after me. I'm about ready to become a bat boy and go after our congressmen and women, maybe some broken knees will wake them up.


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