Wednesday, November 11, 2009

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My daughter's birthday was yesterday (the 10th), the same day of the US Marines 'birth' (Nov. 10th, 1775), and I didn't know it until the 9th. Yes I knew it was my daughter's birthday, I just didn't know it was the Marine Corps birthday. Every day I learn something about this great nation that I didn't know the day before, it is so humbling that I can't even put it into words, but I will say if you desire to learn something about the sacrifice made by our military in the name of freedom, Veteran's Day is the day to look for it.

The Marines celebrated in their own way wherever they were. Some got stupid drunk, some marched in parades, some sat at home, some lay dying of old age, some stood a post for Marine 1 and some simply had a fleeting thought while taking the fight to our enemies…

I wasn't a Marine but I'll never forget their birthday again…Semper Fi

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